Important Information About Commercial Truck Insurance

For vehicles that are operated for any business-related purposes, the vehicles will need commercial insurance. This includes taxis, limousines, bus charters, delivery services, and more. Commercial trucking companies are included in this group. Each state has its own specific, set requirements for the minimum amount of insurance coverage each vehicle will need. This will also be considered completely separate from any personal insurance, even in the cases of small businesses. [Read More]

Directors and Officers Liability Insurance for Sports and Recreation Organizations

Liability insurance is essential for all organizations, including sports and recreation. Whether you have a full sports team or a small recreational event, you need liability insurance to cover unexpected events, injuries and accidents. While general liability is available, there are some things not covered by the policy, which creates the need for a policy known as a directors-and-officers liability policy. What Is Directors and Officers Insurance? Directors and officers insurance for sports and recreation is a policy that will cover lawsuits and extensive legal costs. [Read More]